Thank you for your donation!
100% donation policy. Volunteer driven.
Please give generously and regularly.

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BACS Payments & Standing Orders:
Wheels to Heal / Sort Code: 08 92 99 / AC/No: 65858598
0% Fees, 125% donation inc. of Gift Aid BACS Form
Please don’t forget to add
Gift Aid if you are a U.K. taxpayer.
A guide to what your donation recycles
Manual wheelchair £25
3 and 4 wheel Rollator £12
Commode £10
Zimmer Frame £8
Table trolley £7
Shower support £5
Crutches £4
Walking Stick £2.50
Electric wheelchair £250
Specialised wheelchair £50
Medical bed £150
Hoist £100
Make your donation go further. 100% donation policy
We recognise that without your generosity our work is limited.
If it is possible for you to give a regular donation please complete the BACS Form and return it to us.
If you are not in a position to donate regularly please use one of the options above to provide any amount that you can, every penny helps us deliver mobility gifts overseas.
Zakat and Sadaqa compliant
We will use 100% of all Zakat and Sadaqa donations we receive this year to help transform lives. On your donation please imply indicate that you are making a Zakat or Sadaqa Donation.
Gift Aid
Make your donation go further. By agreeing to Gift Aid, you automatically add 25% towards your much-needed donation, at no cost to you.
To be eligible for Gift Aid you need to be a UK taxpayer. Each financial year you must pay income or capital gains tax which is greater in value than the amount claimed back from all the charities, and community and sports clubs you donate to. Once you sign up, we will claim Gift Aid on your behalf.